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 来    源: 互联网
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 发表日期: 2017/12/26 20:15:57
 阅读次数: 1948
 新闻标题: 站内新闻本站新闻 → 联合国副秘书长Adoma到泰国曼谷看望联合国和平大使李国栋教授
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       他们就进一步使以儒释道为主体的东方文化与西方文化互相理解以至逐渐融合,以促进人类和谐,世界和平,进行了深入的交流。 四日,副秘书长离开曼谷前,再次登门看望李教授。李教授请他在湄南河畔品尝泰国美食。他对泰国饮食文化赞囗不绝,并说:在纽约,最受欢迎的就是泰国餐。


     First of all, this is a great initiative organizing art exhibition for peace rearranging the world of turmoil and world where we are witnessing a rise of extremes in so many areas where violence is spread out. So, I have privileged to inaugurate this exhibition. I would love for everyone to come and see this exhibition and work.

What is invaluable is to see one of the greatest calligraphers in our world today. I’m referring to professor LI,Guodong, the man I admire so much and having privileged to meet him in Bangkok recently. We spent the whole day together and I got my first calligraphy lesson with professor Lee.

Many paintings you have seen around share one characteristic. That is they all reflect the ideals of United Nations and they all translate sustainable development course. You have the painters, you have each of every painting, and you can feel the hand of this great calligrapher. These arts which are exhibited represent United Nations gathering. It shows how we contribute to our daily work of trying to reach peace in this world.

This organization was built after second world war, and it was when to aim that world should no longer witness war. It was done with our hope with what happened in second world war that we should not repeat and never see genocide again. Unfortunately, we have witnessed hunger days, we witnessed declining of humanity with genocide like we see what are happening in Syria and Iran.

So, it is refreshing to see these arts which are thinking hope, unity and humanity. It is therefore my pleasure to express on behalf of everyone in the United Nations. My warmest congratulations to the organizers in this ‘Art For Peace Exhibition’. May this exhibition become mobile and go throughout the world, so people in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and all parts of the world in distant can see. Artist today are power of humanity and with artist we continue to pray breakthrough in building the world of peace.

Last week, I visited Louvre Abu Dhabi in United Arabic Emirates. It was such a beautiful museum and I saw many pieces of art and I hope one of pieces produced from professor Li GuoDong will have placed in Louvre Abu Dhabi. Louvre Abu Dhabi symbolizes a bridge of cultures, and bridge of whole humanity. In one place, I saw one of the ancient Koran, bible, and Torah all aligning together which means we are the one world and one humanity. And that is what is to symbolize through arts exhibition.

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读书交流会发言稿:https://www.deipei.com/yanjianggao/1162.html [得培资料 2024/9/6 21:31:18]
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